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Autumn in Almaty

Autumn in Almaty is perhaps my favorite part of the year. The richness of colors, many colors. Red, yellow, orange, dark red and brownish. Different combinations are possible. Maples, birch trees, rowans generously cover the ground with leaves. The air is filled with phytoncides. So nice to breathe! You can walk non-stop around the city which is called the greenest city in the country.

Autumn in Almaty

You can see our Alatau mountains behind bright leaves. Spontaneously the question appears – what is the autumn there, in the mountains? Of course, I know how amazing the autumn is there, but I always want make sure. Luckily the mountains are close to the city, it takes about 30 minutes to get from the city center to lush apricot hills.

Autumn in Almaty

Up the hills there are deciduous and coniferous woods. Among the endless net of gorges you can find several lakes with crystal clear ice water. These lakes are the most favorite place to chill out if you are on the way to the National Park and the weather in the mountains is still sunny and warm.

Autumn in Almaty

But the winter is coming. The city and the mountains around will also get beautiful but in a different way.

Autumn in Almaty

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